장 훈 사진
장 훈
동물발생학 및 생식유전체학 실험실
자연과학대학 2호관 211호



2000.03 ~ 2007.02 전북대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과, 이학사
2007.03 ~ 2009.02 전북대학교 의과대학, 의학석사
2010.08 ~ 2014.08 과학기술연합대학원대학교 한국생명공학연구원 캠퍼스, 이학박사


2014.09~2018.10 차의과학대학교 의생명과학과 연구교수
2018.11~2019.12 한국생명공학연구원 Post-Doc
2020.01~2020.08 건국대학교 KU융합기술원 선임연구원
2020.09~ 현재 전북대학교 자연대 생명과학과 조교수

최근 발표 논문

1. Lee OH, Woo YM, Moon SH, Lee JH, Park HE, Jang H, Park YY, Bae SK, Park KH, Heo JH, Choi Y. Sirtuin 6 deficiency induces endothelial cell senescence via downregulation of forkhead box M1 expression. Aging. Nov 10;12(21):20946-20967 (2020) (IF4.831)

2. Chei S*, Oh H*, Jang H, Lee K, Jin H, Choi Y, Lee B. Korean Red Ginseng Suppresses the Expression of Oxidative Stress Response and NLRP3 Inflammasome Genes in Aged C57BL/6 Mouse Ovaries. Foods. Apr 9(4), 526 (2020) (IF:3.011)

3. Yoo H, Lee YJ, Park C, Son D, Choi DY, Park JH, Choi HJ, La HW, Choi YJ, Moon EH, Saur D, Chung HM, Song H, Do JT, Jang H, Lee DR, Park CP, Lee OH, Cho SG, Hong SH, Kong Gu, Kim JH, Choi Y, and Hoon K. Epigenetic priming by Dot1l in lymphatic endothelial progenitors ensures normal lymphatic development and function. Cell Death Dis. Jan 6k11(1):14 (2020) (IF:6.304)

4. Sun W*, Jang H*, Kwon H,Kim K, Ahn S, Hwang S, Lee S, Lee J, Hwang I Lee J. The protective effect of Leucosporidium-derived ice-binding protein (LeIBP) on bovine oocytes and embryos during vitrification. Theriogenology. Apr 151, 137-143 (2020) (IF:2.229, 분야 상위 10%이내)

5. Jang H*, Kwon H*, Sun W*, Hwang S, Hwang I, Kim S, Lee J, Lee S, Lee J. Effects of Leucosporidium-derived ice-binding protein (LeIBP) on bull semen cryopreservation. Vet Med Sci. Apr vms3.269 (2020) (IF: 0.985)

6. Lee S*, Jang H*, Moon S*, Lee OH, Lee S, Lee J, Park C, Seol DW, Song H, Hong K, Kim JH, Uhm SJ, Lee DR, Lee JW, Choi Y. Differential Regulation of TLE3 in Sertoli Cells of the Testes during Postnatal Development. Cells. Sep 27;8(10) E1156 (2019) (IF: 5.656)

7. Jang H*. Regulation of Cyclic AMP-Response Element Binding Protein Zhangfei (CREBZF) Expression by Estrogen in Mouse Uterus. Dev Reprod. 22(1):95-104 (2018)

8. Jang H*. Differential Expression of Cyclic AMP-Response Element Binding Protein Zhangfei (CREBZF) in the Mouse Testis during Postnatal Development. Dev Reprod. 22(1):65-72 (2018)

9. Yoon H*, Jang H*, Kim E, Moon S, Lee S, Cho M, Cho HJ, Ko JJ, Chang EM, Lee KA, Choi Y. K nockdown of PRKAR2B results in the failure of oocyte maturation. Cell Physiol Biochem. 45:2009-2025 (2018) (IF:5.5, 분야 상위 10%이내)

10. Jang H*, Na Y*, Hong K*, Lee S, Moon S, Cho M, Park M, Lee OH, Chang EM, Lee DR, Ko JJ, Lee WS, Choi Y. Synergistic effect of melatonin and ghrelin in preventing cisplatin-induced ovarian damage via regulation of FOXO3a phosphorylation and binding to the p27kip1 promoter in primordial follicles. J. Pineal Res. Oct;63(3):12432. (2017) (IF: 15.221, 분야 상위 10%이내)

11. Jang H, Hong K, Choi Y. Melatonin and Fertoprotective Adjuvants: Prevention against Premature Ovarian Failure during Chemotherapy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. Jun 7;18(6) E1221 (2017) (IF:4.183)

12. Lee Y, Kim KH, Yoon H, Lee OH, Kim E, Park M, Jang H, Hong K, Song H, Ko JJ, Lee WS, Lee KA, Chang EM, and Choi Y. RASD1 Knockdown Results in Failure of Oocyte Maturation. Cell Physiol Biochem. 40(6):1289-1302 (2016) (IF:5.5, 분야상위 10%이내)

13. Jang H*, Lee OH*, Lee Y, Yoon H, Chang EM, Park M, Lee JW, Hong K, Kim JO, Kim NK, Ko JJ, Lee DR, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Choi Y. Melatonin prevents cisplatin-induced primordial follicle loss via suppression of PTEN/AKT/FOXO3a pathway activation in the mouse ovary.J. Pineal Res. Apr;60(3):336-47 (2016) (IF: 15.221, 분야 상위 10% 이내)

14. Park M, Lee Y, Jang H, Lee OH, Park SW, Kim JH, Hong K, Song H, Park SP, Park YY, Ko JJ, Choi Y. SOHLH2 is essential for synaptonemal complex formation during spermatogenesis in early postnatal mouse testes. Sci Rep. Feb 12;6:20980 (2016) (IF: 4.011)

15. Jang H, Kim HJ, Kim DH, Park JK, Sun WS, Hwang S, Oh KB, Jang WG, and Lee JW. Small heterodimer partner-interacting leucine zipper protein inhibits adipogenesis by regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ activity. Life Sci. 132, 49-54 (2015) (IF: 3.448)

16. Jang H*, Jang WG*, Kim EJ, Do M, Hwang S, Oh KB, Shim H, Choo YK, Kwon DJ, and Lee JW. Methylation and expression changes in imprinted genes H19 and Igf2 during serial somatic cell nuclear transfer using piglet fibroblasts. Anim. Cells. Syst. 19(1), 46-53 (2015) (IF:0.554)

17. Jang H, Kim EJ, Park JK, Kim DE, Kim HJ, Sun WS, Hwang S, Oh KB, Koh JT, Jang WG*, Lee JW*. SMILE inhibits BMP-2-induced expression of osteocalcin by suppressing the activity of the RUNX2 transcription factor in MC3T3E1 cells. Bone 61, 10–18 (2014) (IF:4.36)

18. Park JK*, Jang H*, Hwang S*, Kim EJ, Kim DE, Oh KB, Kwon DJ, Koh JT, Kimura K, Inoue H, Jang WG, Lee JW. ER stress-inducible ATF3 suppresses BMP2-induced ALP expression and activation in MC3T3-E1 cells Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 443, 333–338 (2014) (IF:2.705)

19. Do M, Jang WG, Hwang JH, Jang H, Kim EJ, Jeong EJ, Shim H, Hwang S, Oh KB, Byun SJ, Kim JH, Lee JW. Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in serially recloned pigs by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 424, 765–770 (2012) (IF:2.705)

2018 journal Impact factor (www.clarivate.com)




단계별 면역거부반응 억제 다중유전자가 α-gal 유전자에 적중된 복합형질전환 세포 주 및 그의 제조방법.
등록일 :2018년 10월 18일
발명자: 이정웅, 황성수, 박진기, 오건봉, 김동언, 장훈
특허번호: 제10-1911515호